Catharine McGrane

Lewiston Teller
Lewiston, Idaho, March 31, 1877

McGRANE - In this city on the morning of the 30th inst., at 5 o'clock of consumption, Mrs. Catharine McGrane, wife of James McGrane. Aged 43.

Deceased leaves a large family of children who with her husband and numerous friends deeply mourn her loss. Funeral will take place to-morrow at 10 a.m. from the Catholic Church. Friends invited to attend.

Lewiston Teller
Lewiston, Idaho, April 7, 1877

Thanks - Mr. McGrane and children hereby tender their thanks to the citizens and friends in Lewiston and vicinity for their kindness and sympathy shown to them in their late berevement of a wife and mother, and confidently trust they may never be wanting in sympathy for others who may be similarly afflicted.

Contributed by Natalie Huntley

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Last updated Saturday, 20-Aug-2016 12:24:18 MDT