Obituary |
Lewiston Morning Tribune Sunday, April 5, 1908 Citizen Complains E. E. Dill Is Injured by Being Struck by Rock. To the Tribune - Mr. E. E. Dill, a late arrival in the city, and a resident of Snake River avenue, was, while working in his garden one day last week, hit on the head with a rock thrown from the brow of the hill by one of three boys, said to be sons of respectable parents. Mr. Dill was knocked senseless. The injury may yet result in Mr. Dill losing the hearing of one ear. The youngsters probably did not intend to injure Mr. Dill, only aiming at the windows of an adjoining vacant house. It is high time some one was made an example of. The pernicious habit of boys breaking the windows of vacant houses ought to be the concern of the police. There has been much damage done already and a severe lesson may be needed to put a stop to it. An arrest or two for malicious mischief would probably have a wholesome effect. Parents would do well to warn their boys of the seriousness of such an offense. CITIZEN. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Lewiston Morning Tribune Report of Coroner's Jury. Find Death of Mr. Dill Due to Abscess. Yesterday morning the coroner's jury, called Tuesday to inquire into the cause of the death of Edward E. Dill, reconvened and heard the report of Dr. Huribut, the county physician, who conducted the autopsy. The report showed that death was due to an abscess on the brain and not to a blow from a stone, and the verdict of the jury was to that effect. The date of the funeral has not yet been fixed, awaiting advices from a daughter in California. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Lewiston Morning Tribune Funeral of E. E. Dill. The funeral of the late E. E. Dill was held Sunday afternoon from the Vassar chapel, Rev. Lattimore conducting the services, after which the Masonic order paid their last respects at the cemetery. Mrs. Dill and children desire to extend their thanks to their neighbors, the Masonic order and the M. B. A., for the consolation extended them in their bereavement. |